adamspy.waterfall package¶
adamspy.waterfall.waterfall module¶
(res_file, res, comp, percent_overlap=50, n_fft=1024, t_min=None, t_max=None, input_res=None, input_comp=None, input_conversion_factor=0.16666666666666666, input_unit='RPM', response_unit=None, response_conversion_factor=1, psd=False, z_scale='linear', order_lines=None, f_range=None, clean_sig=None, return_order_cuts=None, title=None, vmin=None, vmax=None)[source]¶ Genenerates a waterfall plot from data in an Adams result or request file.
Parameters: - res_file (str) – File name of Adams result (.res) or request (.req) file.
- res (str) – Name of the result in the adams dataset
- comp (str) – Name of the result component in the Adams dataset
- percent_overlap (int, optional) – Percent overlap for the FFT waterfall, by default 50
- n_fft (int, optional) – Number of points used in each FFT, by default 1024
- window (str, optional) – Type of window used for each FFT, by default ‘hanning’
- t_min (float, optional) – Start time if cropping data, by default None
- t_max (float, optional) – End time if cropping data, by default None
- input_res (str, optional) – Name of the result to use as the input speed. If none is given the x axis of the waterfall plot will be time, by default None
- input_comp (str, optional) – Name of the result component to use as the input speed., by default None
- input_conversion_factor (float, optional) – Conversion factor applied to input signal, by default 60/360 (deg/s to RPM)
- response_unit (str, optional) – Text to display on the response signal y axis, by default None
- input_unit (str, optional) – Text to display on the input signal y axis, by default None
- conversion_factor (float, optional) – Conversion factor applied to response signal, by default 1
- psd (bool, optional) – If True FFT will output in PSD. If False FFT will output Magnitude , by default False
- z_scale (str, optional) – The scaling of the values in the spec. ‘linear’ is no scaling. ‘dB’ returns the values in dB scale. psd is True, this is dB power (10 * log10). Otherwise this is dB amplitude (20 * log10). by default ‘linear’
- orders (list, optional) – Adds order fans to the waterfall plots at each order in the list. Only used if input_comp is given.
- f_range (list, optional) – [mininum frequency, maximum frequency]. Only affects plot limits
- clean_sig (float, optional) – If given, removes data points that exceed clean_sig multiplied by the standard deviation of the signal.
Returns: Waterfall plot
Return type: Figure