Source code for adamspy.postprocess.ppt

"""This module is for sending scripts through Adams/PPT

import os
import subprocess
import re
import time
import platform

import jinja2
from numpy import genfromtxt
from thornpy.signal import manually_clean_sig, remove_data_point, manually_clean_sigs, low_pass
from thornpy.signal import _clean_sig as clean_sig

from ..adamspy import get_log_errors, LOG_COMPLETE_PATTERN

TEMP_OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'results.tmp'

LOG_NAME = 'aview.log'

TMPLT_ENV = jinja2.Environment(
    loader=jinja2.PackageLoader('adamspy.postprocess', 'aview_scripts'),

_TIMEOUT = 300

[docs]def get_results(res_file, reqs_to_get, t_min=None, t_max=None, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT): """Gets results from an Adams results (.res) file. Example ------- >>> result_file = 'example.res' >>> t_min = 70 >>> t_max = 80 >>> reqs_to_get = {} >>> reqs_to_get['MSE'] = ['Instantaneous_Bottom_MSE', 'Filtered_Surface_MSE'] >>> reqs_to_get['ROP_controls'] = ['Command_ROP', 'True_WOB'] >>> requests, units = get_results(result_file, reqs_to_get, t_min, t_max) Note ---- This funciton only works with Requests. It does not work with Result Sets. Note ---- This function only works with xml results files. Parameters ---------- result_file : str Filename of an Adams results (.res) file reqs_to_get : dict Dictionary of requests to extract (the default is None, which gets all results) t_min : float, optional Minimum time for which to extract results (the default is None) t_max : float, optional Maximum time for which to extract results (the default is None) Returns ------- dict Dictionary of request data """ template = TMPLT_ENV.from_string(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'aview_scripts', GET_RESULTS_SCRIPT_NAME)).read()) working_directory = os.path.dirname(res_file) script_filename = _get_unique_filename(GET_RESULTS_SCRIPT_NAME) output_filename = _get_unique_filename(TEMP_OUTPUT_FILENAME) with open(os.path.join(working_directory, script_filename), 'w') as fid: fid.write(template.render({'res_file': os.path.split(res_file)[-1], 'reqs_to_get': reqs_to_get, 't_min': t_min, 't_max': t_max, 'output_file': output_filename})) if _just_write_script is False: # Delete the aview.log file try: os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME)) except FileNotFoundError: pass except PermissionError: pass # Run the postprocessor if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW subprocess.Popen('"{}" aview ru-s b {}'.format(os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], script_filename), cwd=working_directory, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: subprocess.Popen([os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], '-c', 'aview', 'ru-standard', 'b', script_filename, 'exit'], cwd=working_directory) # Wait for complete _wait(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME), timeout=timeout) # Check the log file for errors get_log_errors(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME)) # Read and return the results data = genfromtxt(os.path.join(working_directory, output_filename), delimiter=',', names=True, dtype=None) os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, script_filename)) os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, output_filename)) output_dict = {'time': list(data['time'])} for res in reqs_to_get: output_dict[res] = {} for comp in reqs_to_get[res]: output_dict[res][comp] = list(data[f'{res}_{comp}']) return output_dict
[docs]def write_results(res_file, input_dict): # TODO return
[docs]def edit_results(res_file, input_dict, new_res_file=None, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT): template = TMPLT_ENV.from_string(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'aview_scripts', EDIT_RESULTS_SCRIPT_NAME)).read()) working_directory = os.path.dirname(res_file) new_res_file = os.path.split(res_file)[-1] if new_res_file is None else os.path.split(new_res_file)[-1] script_name = _get_unique_filename(EDIT_RESULTS_SCRIPT_NAME) with open(os.path.join(working_directory, script_name), 'w') as fid: fid.write(template.render({'res_file': os.path.split(res_file)[-1], 'reqs_to_edit': input_dict, 'output_file': new_res_file})) if _just_write_script is False: # Delete the aview.log file try: os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME)) except FileNotFoundError: pass except PermissionError: pass if platform.system() == 'Windows': # Run the postprocessor startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW subprocess.Popen('"{}" aview ru-s b {}'.format(os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], script_name), cwd=working_directory, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: subprocess.Popen([os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], '-c', 'aview', 'ru-s', 'b', script_name, 'exit'], cwd=working_directory) # Wait for complete _wait(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME), timeout=timeout) # Check the log file for errors get_log_errors(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME))
[docs]def get_lunar_results(res_files, reqs_to_get, t_min, t_max, output_file, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT): template = TMPLT_ENV.from_string(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'aview_scripts', LUNAR_SCRIPT_NAME)).read()) working_directory = os.path.dirname(res_files[0]) script_name = _get_unique_filename(LUNAR_SCRIPT_NAME) with open(os.path.join(working_directory, script_name), 'w') as fid: fid.write(template.render({'res_files': res_files, 'reqs_to_get': reqs_to_get, 't_min': t_min, 't_max': t_max, 'output_suffix': output_file})) if _just_write_script is False: # Delete the aview.log file try: os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME)) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Run the postprocessor if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW subprocess.Popen('"{}" aview ru-s b {}'.format(os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], script_name), cwd=working_directory, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: subprocess.Popen([os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], 'aview', 'ru-s', 'b', script_name], cwd=working_directory) # Wait for complete _wait(os.path.join(working_directory, LOG_NAME), timeout=timeout) os.remove(os.path.join(working_directory, script_name)) # Make a list of the files that are written res_output_files = [os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] + '_time' + os.path.splitext(output_file)[-1]] for res_name, res_comps in reqs_to_get.items(): for res_comp in res_comps: full_res_name = f'{res_name}_{res_comp}' res_output_files.append(os.path.splitext(output_file)[0] + '_' + full_res_name + os.path.splitext(output_file)[-1]) return res_output_files
def _wait(log_file, sleep_time=0.2, timeout=300): """Waits for the log file to write the last line of the macro Parameters ---------- log_file : str filename of log file sleep_time : float, optional Time between checks, by default 0.2 timeout : int, optional During after which to time out, by default 300 """ for _i in range(int(timeout/sleep_time)): ppt_log_file_exists = os.path.exists(log_file) if ppt_log_file_exists is True: # If ppt.log exists, open it and see if the results have been loaded with open(log_file, 'r') as fid: text = if, text): break time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs]def manually_remove_spikes(res_file, reqs_to_clean, reqs_to_check=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT, _inplace=False): """Allows the user to manually scan through the result sets to pick out points to eliminate. Parameters ---------- res_file : str Adams Results (.res) filename reqs_to_clean : dict, optional Nested dictionary of result sets and result components to clean reqs_to_check : dict Nested dictionary of result sets and result components to check for spikes, by default same as reqs_to_clean t_min : float, optional Minumum simulation time to clean, by default None t_max : float, optional Maximum simulation time to clean, by default None timeout : float, optional Number of seconds to wait for results to load before timing out, by default _TIMEOUT Returns ------- dict Nested dictionary of cleaned results """ if reqs_to_check is None: reqs_to_check = reqs_to_clean results = get_results(res_file, reqs_to_clean, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, _just_write_script=_just_write_script, timeout=timeout) time_sig = results['time'] # Remove the spikes for (res, res_comps) in [(r, rc) for r, rc in results.items() if r in reqs_to_check]: for (res_comp, values) in [(rc, v) for rc, v in res_comps.items() if rc in reqs_to_check[res]]: results[res][res_comp], i_mod = manually_clean_sig(time_sig, values, indices=True) # If a modification was made to the signal, make that modification to the rest of the signals if i_mod != []: # Loop over all the other results for (other_res, other_res_comps) in [(r, rc) for r, rc in results.items() if r != 'time']: for (other_res_comp, other_values) in [(rc, v) for rc, v in other_res_comps.items() if not (other_res == res and rc == res_comp)]: #pylint: disable=no-member for i in i_mod: results[other_res][other_res_comp] = remove_data_point(time_sig, other_values, i) # Update the analysis files edit_results(res_file, results) # Return the cleaned results return results
[docs]def filter_results(res_file, reqs_to_clean, freq_cutoff, N_filter=5, reqs_to_check=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT, _inplace=False, return_raw=False): """Similar to `manually_remove_spikes`, but allows user to plot the signals in batches. Instead of passing a dictionary for the `reqs_to_check` argument, pass a list of dictionaries and the results in each dictionary in the list will be plotted together. Parameters ---------- res_file : str Adams Results (.res) filename reqs_to_clean : dict Nested dictionary of result sets and result components to clean freq_cutoff : float Cutoff freqency of filter in Hz N_filter : int Order of filter reqs_to_check : list of dicts list of nested dictionary of result sets and result components to check for spikes, by default same as reqs_to_clean t_min : float, optional Minumum simulation time to clean, by default None t_max : float, optional Maximum simulation time to clean, by default None timeout : float, optional Number of seconds to wait for results to load before timing out, by default _TIMEOUT Returns ------- dict Nested dictionary of cleaned results """ if reqs_to_check is None: reqs_to_check = [reqs_to_clean] results = get_results(res_file, reqs_to_clean, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, _just_write_script=_just_write_script, timeout=timeout) time_sig = results.pop('time') filtered_results = {} for res_name, res_comps in results.items(): filtered_results[res_name] = {} for res_comp, values in res_comps.items(): # pylint: disable=no-member cleaned_sig, _, _ = clean_sig(values, 3) filtered_results[res_name][res_comp], _ = low_pass(cleaned_sig, time_sig, freq_cutoff, N=N_filter) # Return the cleaned results if return_raw is True: return {'time': time_sig, **filtered_results}, {'time': time_sig, **results} else: return {'time': time_sig, **filtered_results}
[docs]def manually_remove_spikes_batch(res_file, reqs_to_clean, reqs_to_check=None, t_min=None, t_max=None, _just_write_script=False, timeout=_TIMEOUT, _inplace=False): """Similar to `manually_remove_spikes`, but allows user to plot the signals in batches. Instead of passing a dictionary for the `reqs_to_check` argument, pass a list of dictionaries and the results in each dictionary in the list will be plotted together. Parameters ---------- res_file : str Adams Results (.res) filename reqs_to_clean : dict Nested dictionary of result sets and result components to clean reqs_to_check : list of dicts list of nested dictionary of result sets and result components to check for spikes, by default same as reqs_to_clean t_min : float, optional Minumum simulation time to clean, by default None t_max : float, optional Maximum simulation time to clean, by default None timeout : float, optional Number of seconds to wait for results to load before timing out, by default _TIMEOUT Returns ------- dict Nested dictionary of cleaned results """ if reqs_to_check is None: reqs_to_check = [reqs_to_clean] results = get_results(res_file, reqs_to_clean, t_min=t_min, t_max=t_max, _just_write_script=_just_write_script, timeout=timeout) time_sig = results['time'] # Create a flag indicating if the results have been modified and need to be rewritten results_modified = False for batch_to_check in reqs_to_check: # Make a list/batch of values to clean values_to_check = [] for (res, res_comps) in [(r, rc) for r, rc in results.items() if r in batch_to_check]: for (res_comp, values) in [(rc, v) for rc, v in res_comps.items() if rc in batch_to_check[res]]: values_to_check.append(values) _, i_mod = manually_clean_sigs(time_sig, values_to_check, indices=True) # If a modification was made to the signal, make that modification to the rest of the signals if i_mod != []: # Loop over all the results for (res, res_comps) in [(r, rc) for r, rc in results.items() if r != 'time']: for (res_comp, values) in res_comps.items(): for i in i_mod: results[res][res_comp] = remove_data_point(time_sig, values, i) # Flag that the results have been modified results_modified = True # If the results were modified, update the analysis files if results_modified is True: edit_results(res_file, results) # Return the cleaned results return results
def _get_unique_filename(filename): if os.path.exists(filename): for i in range(9999): new_name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) new_name = new_name + f'_{i+1}' if not os.path.exists(new_name + ext): filename = new_name + ext break return filename