Source code for adamspy.postprocess.animation

"""Code for generating animations automatically in Adams View

import os
import re
import time
import subprocess
import platform


LOG_COMPLETE_PATTERN = ' >> quit conf=no'

[docs]def create_animation(model_file : str, res_file : str, model_name : str, analysis_name : str, timeout=60): """Creates an animation from the given model. Parameters ---------- model_file : str Adams View model (.cmd) file res_file : str Adams results (.res) file model_name : str Name of the model analysis_name : str Name of the analysis wait : bool, optional If `True`, code execution will freeze until the animation script completes and the postprocessor closes. (the default is True) """ # Determine the directory, relative results filename, and pptAS name directory, res_file = os.path.split(res_file) if not directory: directory = os.getcwd() ppt_as_filename = os.path.join(directory, AVIEW_AFTERSTART_FILENAME) # Write aviewAS.cmd with open(ppt_as_filename, 'w') as fid: fid.write(CMD_CODE.format(**{'model_file': model_file, 'res_file': res_file, 'model_name': model_name, 'analysis_name': analysis_name, 'mov_filename': analysis_name})) # Set the ppt.log filename ppt_log_file = os.path.join(directory, 'aview.log') # Remove aview.log if os.path.exists(ppt_log_file): try: os.remove(ppt_log_file) except PermissionError: pass # Run the postprocessor if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW _ppt_proc = subprocess.Popen('"{}" aview ru-s i'.format(os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND']), cwd=directory, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: _ppt_proc = subprocess.Popen([os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], '-c', 'aview', 'ru-standard', 'i'], cwd=directory) # Wait for process to complete _wait(ppt_log_file, timeout=timeout) # Remove the pptAS file try: os.remove(ppt_as_filename) except PermissionError: pass return os.path.join(directory, analysis_name + '.avi')
def _wait(log_file, sleep_time=0.2, timeout=60): """Waits for the log file to write the last line of the macro Parameters ---------- log_file : str filename of log file sleep_time : float, optional Time between checks, by default 0.2 timeout : int, optional During after which to time out, by default 60 """ for _i in range(int(timeout/sleep_time)): ppt_log_file_exists = os.path.exists(log_file) if ppt_log_file_exists is True: # If ppt.log exists, open it and see if the results have been loaded with open(log_file, 'r') as fid: text = if, text): break time.sleep(sleep_time) CMD_CODE = ''' ! def com echo=on file command read file_name = "{model_file}" file results read model_name = {model_name} file_name = "{res_file}" interface plot window open interface window undisplay window = .gui.main ! ! interface plot window page_display page=.gui.ppt_main.sash1.sash2.gfx.page_1 !****** These commands create the animation movie file. ! ! if cond=("animation" !="") interface plot window set_mode mode=Animation else interface plot window set_mode=plotting end interface plot window load_view analysis=.{model_name}.{analysis_name} color modify & color=Background & red=1.0 & green=1.0 & blue=1.0 ! view manage orient view=iso up_axis=(.MDI.up_axis) forward_axis=(.MDI.forward_axis) view zoom auto=on ! animation modify increment=10 animation_name=.animation_1 animation record start image_type = avi avi_compression = yes avi_frames_per_sec = 10 image_prefix = "{mov_filename}.avi" avi_keyframe_every = 500 avi_quality = 75 defaults animation_settings loop=play_once animation play page_name=.gui.ppt_main.sash1.sash2.gfx.page_1 animation record stop ! quit conf=no '''