Source code for adamspy.adripy.utilities

"""adripy contains functions for manipulating MSC Adams Drill files
import os
import re
import subprocess
import time
import platform

import thornpy
import numpy as np

from . import TMPLT_ENV

[docs]def turn_measure_on(string_file, tool_types=[], tool_numbers=[], tool_names=[]): """Modify a string file to turn measure on for teh designated tools. Tools may be designated by type, number (stack order), or name. Parameters ---------- string_file : str Path to an MSC Adams Drill string file. Accepts full path or cdb alias. tool_types : list, optional List of tool types as seen in the string file (e.g. pdc_bit, motor, stabilizer) tool_numbers : list, optional List of stack orders corresponding to tools in the string tool_names : list, optional List of tool names Returns ------- int number of tools measured """ n = 0 mark = False # Convert to full path if cdb alias was used string_file = get_full_path(string_file) with open(string_file,'r') as fid_str, open(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'),'w') as fid_str_tmp: for line in fid_str: if line.startswith('$'): fid_str_tmp.write(line) # If this is a measure line that has been marked elif mark and ' measure' in line.lower(): fid_str_tmp.write(" Measure = 'yes'\n") n += 1 mark = False # Mark if the tool matches a designated stack order elif ' stack_order' in line.lower(): if int(line.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').split('=')[-1]) in tool_numbers: mark = True fid_str_tmp.write(line) # Mark if the tool matches a designated tool type elif ' type' in line.lower(): if line.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').split("'")[-2] in tool_types: mark = True fid_str_tmp.write(line) # Mark if the tool matches a designated tool name elif ' name' in line.lower(): if line.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').split("'")[-2] in tool_names: mark = True fid_str_tmp.write(line) else: fid_str_tmp.write(line) os.remove(string_file) os.rename(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), string_file) return n
[docs]def get_tool_name(string_file, tool_type, n=1, return_full_path=True): """Returns the name, filename, stack order, and group name of the `n`th tool of type `tool_type` in `string_file`. Parameters ---------- string_file : str Path to an Adams drill string file. Accepts full path or cdb alias. tool_type : str Tool type as seen in the string file (e.g. pdc_bit, motor, stabilizer) n : int If the string file has multiple tools of type `tool_type` , returns the `n` th tool of that type. (the default is 1) return_full_path : bool If true, returns the full path to the tool file instead of using the Adams Drill database (cdb). (the default is True) Raises ------ ValueError Raised if a tool of type `tool_type` is not found in `string_file` Returns ------- str Name of the requested tool str Full filepath the the requested tool's property file int Stack order of tool str Tool's group name if it has one """ tool_found = False with open(get_full_path(string_file),'r') as fid: if tool_type == 'hole': for line in fid: if ' Hole_Property_File = ' in line: tool_file = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(line.split("'")[1]) tool_name = os.path.split(tool_file.split)[-1].split('.')[0] group_name = tool_name if return_full_path: tool_file = get_full_path(tool_file) tool_found = True stack_order = 0 break else: count = 0 for line in fid: if ' stack_order' in line.lower(): stack_order = int(line.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').split('=')[-1]) elif count == n and ' name ' in line.lower(): group_name = line.split("'")[1] elif count == n and ' property_file' in line.lower(): tool_file = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(line.split("'")[1]) tool_name = os.path.split(tool_file)[-1].split('.')[0] if return_full_path: tool_file = get_full_path(tool_file) tool_found = True break elif ' type ' in line.lower() and tool_type.lower() in line.lower(): count += 1 if tool_found: return tool_name, tool_file, stack_order, group_name else: raise ValueError('Tool of type {} not found in {}'.format(tool_type, string_file))
[docs]def get_adrill_cdbs(adrill_user_cfg, adrill_shared_cfg=None): """Return the names and locatinos of all user defined MSC Adams Drill databases (cdbs) Parameters ---------- adrill_user_cfg : str Full path to an Adams Drill user configuration file. This hould be in the users HOME directory. adrill_shared_cfg : str Full path to an Adams Drill shared configuration file. This should be in the Adams Drill installation directory. (the default is None, which means that only user cdbs will be returned.) Returns ------- dict A dictionary in which the cdb names are keys and the cdb locations are values. """ cdbs = {} with open(adrill_user_cfg,'r') as fid: for line in fid: if line.startswith('DATABASE'): # try: cdb_name = re.split('[\t ]+',line.lstrip())[1] cdb_loc = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(re.split('[\t ]+', line, maxsplit=2)[-1].replace('\n','').replace('$HOME', os.path.expanduser('~'))) cdbs[cdb_name] = cdb_loc # except: # raise cdbError('The following line in {} could not be interpreted.\n\n{}'.format(adrill_user_cfg,line)) if adrill_shared_cfg: top_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split(adrill_shared_cfg)[0])[0] with open(adrill_shared_cfg,'r') as fid: for line in fid: if line.startswith('DATABASE'): # try: cdb_name = re.split('[\t ]+', line, maxsplit=2)[1] cdb_loc = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(re.split('[\t ]+', line, maxsplit=2)[-1].replace('\n','').replace('$HOME', os.path.expanduser('~')).replace('$topdir', top_dir)) cdbs[cdb_name] = cdb_loc # except: # raise cdbError('The following line in {} could not be interpreted.\n\n{}'.format(adrill_shared_cfg,line)) return cdbs
[docs]def get_TO_param(filename, requested_parameter): """Return the value of a parameter in a tiem orbit file Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to a tiem orbit file. Accepts full path or cdb alias. requested_parameter : str Name of a parameter in TO_file Returns ------- :obj:`str` or :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` The value assigned to TO_param in TO_file """ # Check if CDB notation used and Convert filename = get_full_path(filename) # Initialize a flag indicating that the parameter has not yet # been found param_found = False # Read in the tiem orbit file with open(filename, 'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() for line in lines: # For each line in the file, check if we are at a parameter line if TO_PARAMETER_PATTERN.match(line): # If we're at a parameter line, check if it's the requested parameter. [parameter, value] = re.sub('[\\s\\n]','',line).split('=') if parameter.lower() == requested_parameter.lower(): # If we're at the requested parameter line, check if it's an adams string or a number if "'" in value: # If value is an adams string requested_value = value.replace("'",'') else: # If value is a number requested_value = int(value) if thornpy.numtype.str_is_int(value) else float(value) # Mark the parameter as found param_found = True break # Raise an error if the parameter isn't found if not param_found: raise ValueError('{} does not contain the parameter {}'.format(filename,requested_parameter)) return requested_value
[docs]def has_tool(string_file, tool_type): """Returns true if string_file has at least one tool of type tool_type Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file tool_type : str Adams Drill tool type Returns ------- bool True if string_file contains at least one tool of type tool_type """ tool_type_found = False # Convert to full filepath if cdb alias used string_file = get_full_path(string_file) with open(string_file,'r') as fid: for line in fid: if ' Type = ' in line and tool_type in line: tool_type_found = True break return tool_type_found
[docs]def fullNotation_to_cdbNotation(string_file): """ Replaces all references in a string file that use full path notation to use CDB notation Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file Returns ------- int Number of replacements made """ # Initialize a variable to count the number of replacements n = 0 with open(string_file, 'r') as fid_str, open(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), 'w') as fid_str_tmp: # Open the string file for line in fid_str: # For each line in the file if re.match(' *Property_File *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) and '<' not in line: # If this is a propery file line that doesn't use cdb_notation, get the property file property_file = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(line.split("'")[1]) # Rewrite the line replacing the property file with the cdb path property file new_line = ' Property_File = \'{}\''.format(get_cdb_path(property_file)) fid_str_tmp.write(new_line) # Increment the number of replacements n += 1 else: # If this is not a property file line that doesn't use cdb_notation, write the line unchanged fid_str_tmp.write(line) os.remove(string_file) os.rename(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), string_file) return n
[docs]def cdbNotation_to_fullNotation(string_file): """Replaces all references in a string file that use CDB notation to use full path notation Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file Returns ------- int Number of replacements made """ n = 0 # Convert to full filepath if cdb alias used string_file = get_full_path(string_file) with open(string_file, 'r') as fid_str, open(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), 'w') as fid_str_tmp: # Open the string file for line in fid_str: # For each line in the file if re.match(' *Property_File *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) and '<' in line: # If this is a propery file line that uses cdb_notation, get the property file property_file = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(line.split("'")[1]) # Rewrite the line replacing the property file with the cdb path property file new_line = ' Property_File = \'{}\''.format(get_full_path(property_file)) fid_str_tmp.write(new_line) # Increment the number of replacements n += 1 else: # If this is not a property file line that uses cdb_notation, write the line unchanged fid_str_tmp.write(line) os.remove(string_file) os.rename(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), string_file) return n
[docs]def get_cdb_path(full_filepath): """Given the full path to a file located in a cdb, get_cdb_path returns the path to a file with the cdb path replaced by the cdb alias. `full_filepath` will be returned if no cdb is found in the path. Parameters ---------- full_filepath : str Full file path to a file in a cdb Returns ------- str Path to a file with the cdb path replaced by the cdb alias. """ # Normalize the filepath full_filepath = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(full_filepath) # Find a string that looks like a database alias match ='^<.+>', full_filepath) if match is not None: # Return the given filepath if filepath looks like a cdb filepath cdb_filepath = full_filepath else: # If full_filepath does not use cdb notation, get a dictionary of the known cdbs cdbs = get_adrill_cdbs(os.environ['ADRILL_USER_CFG'], os.environ['ADRILL_SHARED_CFG']) cdb_loc = None for name, loc in cdbs.items(): # For each cdb in the cfg files if loc in full_filepath: # If the cdb location is in the filepath, cdb_loc = loc cdb_name = name break # Set the cdb_filepath by replacing the cdb path with the alias in full_filepath, if no cdb path was found, set it equal to the full filepath cdb_filepath = full_filepath.replace(cdb_loc, '<{}>'.format(cdb_name)) if cdb_loc is not None else full_filepath return cdb_filepath
[docs]def get_full_path(cdb_filepath): """Given the cdb path to a file located in a cdb, returns the path to a file with the cdb alias replaced by the cdb location. If `cdb_filepath` does not use cdb notation, returns the full filepath (convertes a relative filepath to a full filepath). Note ---- `cdb_filepath` is **not** case sensitive. Parameters ---------- cdb_filepath : str Full file path to a file in a cdb. Returns ------- str Path to a file with the cdb path replaced by the cdb alias. """ # Find a string that looks like a database alias match ='^<.+>', cdb_filepath) if match is None: # Return the given filepath if filepath looks like a full filepath full_filepath = cdb_filepath else: # If cdb_filepath uses cdb notation, pull the database name out of the group cdb_in_filepath ='<', '').replace('>', '') # Get a dictionary of the known cdbs cdbs = get_adrill_cdbs(os.environ['ADRILL_USER_CFG'], os.environ['ADRILL_SHARED_CFG']) # Get the location of cdb_in_filepath cdb_loc = None for name, loc in cdbs.items(): # For each cdb in the cfg files if cdb_in_filepath.lower() == name.lower(): # If the cdb name from the cfg files equals the cdb name found in the filepath, store that cdbs location cdb_loc = loc break # Raise an error if cdb_in_filepath is not in the cdbs dictionary if cdb_loc is None: raise ValueError('{} not in {} OR {}!'.format(cdb_in_filepath, os.environ['ADRILL_USER_CFG'], os.environ['ADRILL_SHARED_CFG'])) full_filepath = cdb_filepath.replace(, cdb_loc) return full_filepath
[docs]def get_cdb_location(cdb_name): """Returns the location of cdb 'cdb_name' Parameters ---------- cdb_name : str Alias of a cdb Returns ------- str Location of cdb """ cdbs = get_adrill_cdbs(os.environ['ADRILL_USER_CFG'], os.environ['ADRILL_SHARED_CFG']) return cdbs[cdb_name]
[docs]def replace_tool(string_file, old_tool_file, new_tool_file, old_tool_name='', new_tool_name='', N=0): """Swaps old_tool_file for new_tool_file in string_file. Also replaces the tools Name field. Parameters ---------- string_file : str Path to an Adams Drill string file. Accepts full path or cdb aliases. old_tool_file : str Path to an Adams Drill tool property file that exists in string_file. Accepts full path or cdb aliases. new_tool_file : str Path to an Adams Drill tool property file to replace old_tool_file. Accepts full path or cdb aliases. N : int Number of replacements to make. Default is 0 which will replace all instances. old_tool_name : str Name of the tool to replace. Default is the filename. new_tool_name : str Name of the new tool. Default is the filename. Returns ------- int Number of replacements that were made """ # Convert tool filenames to full paths string_file = get_full_path(string_file) if old_tool_name == '': old_tool_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(old_tool_file)[-1])[0] if new_tool_name == '': new_tool_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(new_tool_file)[-1])[0] # Open the original string file for reading and a new string file for writing fid_old = open(string_file,'r') fid_new = open(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'),'w') # Initiate the number of replacements made n = 0 # If the tool is a hole if os.path.splitext(old_tool_file) == '.hol': for line in fid_old: # Loop through the string file to find the hole property file line if re.match(' *Hole_Property_File *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): # If at a hole property file line, convert new_tool_file to cdb or full notation depending on what's already in the file new_tool_file = get_cdb_path(new_tool_file) if '<' in line else get_full_path(new_tool_file) # Write the modified line fid_new.write(" Hole_Property_File = '{}'\n".format(new_tool_file)) # Increment the number of replacements made n += 1 else: # If not at a hole property file line, write the line unchanged fid_new.write(line) else: # If the tool is not a hole, initialize a flag indicating a replacement should be made on the next line replace = False for line in fid_old: # Loop through the string file to find and replace the corresponding tool block if re.match(' *Type *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): fid_new.write(line) elif re.match(' *Stack_Order *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): stack_order = int(line.replace(' ','').replace('\n','').split('=')[1]) fid_new.write(line) elif re.match(' *Name *= *\'{}.*\'.*'.format(old_tool_name), line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) and (n<N or N==0): # If this is the tool name line for the tool to replace if re.match(' *Name *= *\'{}_{:02d}\'.*'.format(old_tool_name, stack_order), line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): # If the tool name has a stack order appended fid_new.write(" Name = '{}_{:02d}'\n".format(new_tool_name, stack_order)) else: # If the tool name does not have a stack order appended fid_new.write(" Name = '{}'\n".format(new_tool_name)) # Indicate that a replacement should be made on the next property file line replace = True elif re.match(' *Property_File *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE) and replace: # If at a property file line, convert new_tool_file to cdb or full notation depending on what's already in the file new_tool_file = get_cdb_path(new_tool_file) if '<' in line else get_full_path(new_tool_file) # Write the modified line fid_new.write(" Property_File = '{}'\n".format(new_tool_file)) # Indicate that a replacement should not be made on the next property file line replace = False # Increment the number of replacements made n += 1 else: # If not at a property file line, write the line unchanged fid_new.write(line) # Close the string files, delete the original one, and rename the new one fid_old.close() fid_new.close() os.remove(string_file) os.rename(string_file.replace('.str','.tmp'), string_file) return n
[docs]def get_string_length(string_file, bha_only=False): """Gets the total length of the drill string defined in `string_file` Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file bha_only : bool If True, ignores the length of top most physical string and equivalent upper string Returns ------- float Cumulative length of the string """ # Convert to full filepath if cdb alias used string_file = get_full_path(string_file) tool_lengths = [] with open(string_file, 'r') as fid: # Open the string file for line in fid: # For each line in the string file if re.match(' *Property_File *= *.*', line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): # If at a property file line, get the property file tool_file = get_full_path(thornpy.utilities.convert_path(line.split("'")[1])) # Open the tool file with open(tool_file, 'r') as fid_tool: file_type = '' for tool_line in fid_tool: # For each line in the tool file if file_type and 'top_drive' not in file_type.lower() and tool_line.replace(' ', '').split('=')[0] in TO_LENGTH_PARAM[file_type.lower()] and not tool_line.startswith('$'): # If this parameter is the length parameter, get the tool length tool_length = float(tool_line.replace(' ', '').split('=')[1]) tool_lengths.append(tool_length) break elif re.match(' *File_Type *= *.*', tool_line, flags=re.IGNORECASE): file_type = tool_line.replace(' ', '').replace("'",'').replace('\n','').split('=')[1] if ' number_of_joints' in line.lower(): n = int(line.replace(' ','').split('=')[1]) tool_lengths[-1] = tool_lengths[-1]*n # Sum the tool lengths to get the string length string_length = sum(tool_lengths[:-2]) if bha_only else sum(tool_lengths) return string_length
[docs]def get_bha_length(string_file): """Gets the total length of the drill string defined in string_file NOT including the equivalent upper string and highest most physical string Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file Returns ------- float Cumulative length of the string """ bha_length = get_string_length(string_file, bha_only=True) return bha_length
[docs]def get_number_of_tools(string_file): """Gets the total number of tools in a string. Tools for which quantitiiy can be defined are only counted once. The top drive is not included Parameters ---------- string_file : str Full path to an Adams Drill string file Returns ------- int Number of tools """ with open(string_file, 'r') as fid: for line in fid: if line.lower().startswith(' stack_order '): num = int(line.replace(' ','').split('=')[-1]) return num
[docs]def add_cdb_to_cfg(name, loc, cfg_file): """Adds cdb of name `name` and path `loc` to `cfg_file` Parameters ---------- name : str Name of cdb (e.g. example_database) loc : str path to cdb (e.g. C:\\example_database.cdb) cfg_file : str Full filename of an adams drill configuration file Raises ------ ValueError Raised if a cdb of the given name or path already exists in the given config file PermissionError Raised if the user does not have permissiosn to edit the given config file """ loc = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(loc) cdbs = {} # Read config file with open(cfg_file, 'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() # Pull cdbs from config file into a dictionary for line in lines: if line.lower().startswith('database'): splt = re.split('[ \t]+', line.replace('\n',''), maxsplit=2) cdbs[splt[1]] = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(splt[2]) # Check if cdb name already exists if name in cdbs: raise ValueError('{} already exists in {}.'.format(name, cfg_file)) # Check if cdb location already exists for cdb_name in cdbs: if loc is cdbs[cdb_name]: raise ValueError('{} already exists in {}'.format(loc, cfg_file)) # Add new cdb to cdbs dictionary cdbs[name] = loc # Rewrite config file with new cdb try: with open(cfg_file, 'w') as fid: cdbs_written = False for line in lines: if not line.lower().startswith('database'): fid.write(line) elif not cdbs_written: for cdb_name, cdb_loc in cdbs.items(): text = 'DATABASE {} {}\n'.format(cdb_name, cdb_loc) fid.write(text) cdbs_written = True except PermissionError: raise PermissionError('You do not have permission to edit {}.'.format(cfg_file))
[docs]def remove_cdb_from_cfg(name, cfg_file): """Removes cdb of name `name` from `cfg_file` Parameters ---------- name : str Name of cdb (e.g. example_database) cfg_file : str Full filename of an adams drill configuration file Raises ------ ValueError Raised if a cdb of the given name or path already exists in the given config file PermissionError Raised if the user does not have permissiosn to edit the given config file """ # Initialize cdbs dictionary cdbs = {} # Read config file with open(cfg_file, 'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() # Pull cdbs from config file into a dictionary for line in lines: if line.lower().startswith('database'): splt = re.split('[ \t]+', line.replace('\n',''), maxsplit=2) cdbs[splt[1]] = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(splt[2]) # Check if cdb name exists if name not in cdbs: raise ValueError('{} does not exist in {}.'.format(name, cfg_file)) # Remove cdb from cdbs dictionary del cdbs[name] # Rewrite config file with the cdb removed try: with open(cfg_file, 'w') as fid: cdbs_written = False for line in lines: if not line.lower().startswith('database'): fid.write(line) elif not cdbs_written: for cdb_name, cdb_loc in cdbs.items(): text = 'DATABASE {} {}\n'.format(cdb_name, cdb_loc) fid.write(text) cdbs_written = True except PermissionError: raise PermissionError('You do not have permission to edit {}.'.format(cfg_file))
[docs]def create_cfg_file(filename, database_paths): """Create a cfg file with the databases whose paths are given in the database_paths list. Also sets the ADRILL_USER_CONFIG environment variable equal to filename. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename for the new configuration file. database_paths : list List of database paths to include in the configuration file. """ # Create a databases dictionary databases = [] for path in database_paths: name = os.path.split(path)[1].replace('.cdb','') databases.append({'name': name, 'path': path}) # Get the cfg template cfg_template = TMPLT_ENV.from_string(open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates', 'template.cfg')).read()) # Write the new cfg file with open(filename ,'w') as fid: fid.write(cfg_template.render(databases=databases)) os.environ['ADRILL_USER_CFG'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
[docs]def build(string_file, solver_settings_file, working_directory, output_name=None, wait=True): """Builds adm, acf, and cmd files from string, event, and solver settings files. Parameters ---------- string : str Filename of a drill string (.str) file. solver_settings : str Filename of a solver settings (.ssf) file. working_directory : str Path to the directory to put the adm, acf, and cmd output_name : str Base name of the adm, acf, and cmd files. (the default is none, which redefines the `ouput_name` to be the same as the 'OutputName' parameter in the string file) wait : bool If True, code execution waits until the build process terminates before moving on. (default is True) Returns ------- str Filename of the adams dataset (.adm) file. str Filename of the adams command (.acf) file. str Filename of the adams view command (.cmd) file. """ # Set the output name if output_name is None: output_name = get_TO_param(string_file, 'OutputName') # Set the names of the output files adm_file = output_name + '.adm' acf_file = output_name + '.acf' cmd_file = output_name + '.cmd' # Format the string filename adams_formatted_str_filename = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(get_full_path(string_file)).replace(os.sep, '/') # Set the event filename and solver settings file name (relative paths if in the same directory) event_file = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(get_TO_param(string_file, 'Event_Property_File')) if os.path.dirname(event_file) == thornpy.utilities.convert_path(working_directory): evt_name = os.path.split(event_file)[-1] else: evt_name = thornpy.utilities.convert_path(event_file) if os.path.dirname(solver_settings_file) == thornpy.utilities.convert_path(working_directory): ssf_name = os.path.split(solver_settings_file)[-1] else: ssf_name = os.path.split(solver_settings_file) # Create aview script cmds = [] cmds.append(f'plugin load plugin_name = {ADRILL_PLUGIN_VAR}\n') cmds.append(f'ds TOStart string_cfg_file = "{adams_formatted_str_filename}"\n') cmds.append(f'adrill build acf ssf="{ssf_name}" evt="{evt_name}"\n') cmds.append(f'file adams write file="{adm_file}"\n') cmds.append(f'simulation script write_acf sim_script_name = "{output_name}" file_name = "{acf_file}"\n') cmds.append(f'file command write entity_name = "{output_name}" file_name = "{cmd_file}"') # If the working directory doesn't exit, create it if not os.path.exists(working_directory): os.makedirs(working_directory) # Create the build.cmd script with open(os.path.join(working_directory, 'build.cmd'), 'w') as fid: for cmd in cmds: fid.write(cmd) # Run adams to generate adm, acf, cmd if platform.system() == 'Windows': startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW process = subprocess.Popen('"{}" aview ru-s b build.cmd'.format(os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND']), cwd=working_directory, startupinfo=startupinfo) else: process = subprocess.Popen([os.environ['ADAMS_LAUNCH_COMMAND'], '-c', 'aview', 'ru-standard', 'b', 'build.cmd', 'exit'], cwd=working_directory) adm_file = os.path.join(working_directory, adm_file) acf_file = os.path.join(working_directory, acf_file) cmd_file = os.path.join(working_directory, cmd_file) # Wait for the process to finish (if requested) if wait: while True: if process.poll() is not None: # If the process has terminated, stop waiting break elif os.path.exists(adm_file) and os.path.exists(acf_file) and os.path.exists(cmd_file): # If the process hasn't terminated, but the adm file acf file and cmd files all exist time.sleep(5) break else: # If the model is still being built time.sleep(1) return adm_file, acf_file, cmd_file
TO_BLOCK_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile('^\\[[_0-9a-zA-Z]+\\]\\s*$') TO_SUBBLOCK_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile('^\\([_0-9a-zA-Z]+\\)\\s*$') TO_TABLE_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile('^\\{(\\s*[_0-9a-zA-Z])+\\s*\\}\\s*$') TO_TABLE_LINE_PATTERN = re.compile("^((\\s*\\'[_0-9a-zA-Z]+\\')+)|((\\s*-?[\\+-\\.eE0-9]+)+)\\s*(<- use this format for constant values)?\\s$")
[docs]def read_TO_file(filename): """Reads a Tiem Orbit file into a dictionary of parameters Example ------- This example prints the value of the `Integrator` parameter from the `DYNAMICS` block of a solver settings file. >>> ssf = read_TO_file('example.ssf') >>> integ = ssf['DYNAMICS']['Integrator'] >>> print(integ) HHT This example prints `Maxit` from the `FUNNEL` subblock of the `STATICS` block of a solver settings file. >>> ssf = adripy.read_TO_file('example.ssf') >>> maxit = ssf['STATICS']['FUNNEL']['maxit'] >>> print(maxit) [100, 50, 50, 50] Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename of the Tiem Orbit file Returns ------- dict Nested :obj:`dict` of the blocks, subblocks, and parameters. Raises ------ TiemOrbitSyntaxError Raised if the Tiem Orbit syntax is not recognized """ if not os.path.exists(get_full_path(thornpy.utilities.convert_path(filename))): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{filename} does not exist!') # Read in the TO file with open(get_full_path(filename), 'r') as fid: lines = fid.readlines() current_block = None current_subblock = None current_table_headers = [] current_table_data = {} parameters = {} for line in lines: # For each line determine if we are at a new Block, new SubBlock, or Table if TO_BLOCK_HEADER_PATTERN.match(line): # if a block is encountered, reset currents current_block = re.sub('[\\[\\]\\s\\n]','',line) current_subblock = None current_table_headers = [] current_table_data = {} # Create a new parameters dictionary entry parameters[current_block] = {} elif TO_SUBBLOCK_HEADER_PATTERN.match(line): # If a subblock is encountered, reset currents current_subblock = re.sub('[\\(\\)\\s\\n]','',line) current_table_headers = [] current_table_data = {} # Create a new parameters dictionary entry parameters[current_block][current_subblock] = {} elif TO_TABLE_HEADER_PATTERN.match(line): # If a table is encountered, get the table headers current_table_headers = re.split(' +', line.replace('{','').replace('}','').strip()) # Make a dictionary of empty lists to put the table data in current_table_data = {header: [] for header in current_table_headers} # Add empty table data to parameters dictionary for header in current_table_headers: if current_subblock is not None: parameters[current_block][current_subblock][header.lower()] = [] else: parameters[current_block][header.lower()] = [] elif TO_PARAMETER_PATTERN.match(line): [parameter, value] = re.split('\\s*=\\s*', line.strip()) # Format the value if "'" in value: # If value is an adams string value = value.replace("'",'').strip() else: # If value is a number value = int(value) if thornpy.numtype.str_is_int(value) else float(value) # Add parameter to parameters dictionary if current_subblock is not None: parameters[current_block][current_subblock][parameter.lower()] = value else: parameters[current_block][parameter.lower()] = value elif current_table_headers != []: # If already at a table if TO_TABLE_LINE_PATTERN.match(line): # If the current line looks like a table entry values = re.split(' +', line.replace('<- use this format for constant values', '').strip()) if len(values) != len(current_table_headers): # If the number of values doesn't match the number of table headers raise an error raise TiemOrbitSyntaxError(f'Incorrect syntax found while processing a table in the {current_block} block of {filename}!') # Add the value to the table data dictionary for value, header in zip(values, current_table_headers): if "'" in value: # If value is an adams string current_table_data[header].append(value.replace("'",'')) else: # If value is a number current_table_data[header].append(int(value) if thornpy.numtype.str_is_int(value) else float(value)) # Add table data to parameters dictionary for header in current_table_headers: if current_subblock is not None: parameters[current_block][current_subblock][header.lower()] = current_table_data[header] else: parameters[current_block][header.lower()] = current_table_data[header] return parameters
[docs]def isabs(filename): """Checks if a filepath is absolute. Note ---- This function is derived from :meth:`os.path.isabs`. The only difference is that it returns `True` if the filepth uses cdb alias names. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to a file. Can be relateive, absolute, or use cdb aliases. Returns ------- bool True if path is absolute or uses cdb aliases. """ if not isinstance(filename, str): # If filname is not a string is_abs = False elif filename != get_full_path(filename): # If filename uses cdb alias notation is_abs = True elif os.path.isabs(filename): # If filename is an absolute path is_abs = True else: # If filename is a relative is_abs = False return is_abs
[docs]def add_splines_to_adm(adm_file, splines): """Adds splines inputs to an Adams Drill dataset (.adm) file. Adds a block titled SPLINES above the OUTPUT block of the ADM file. The SPLINES block contains a SPLINE statement for each of the four drilling parameters. Example ------- >>> time = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0] >>> gpm = [0, 78.125, 250.0, 421.875, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500] >>> rpm = [0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 37, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50] >>> wob = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 29, 40, 40] >>> rop = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 74, 100, 100] >>> splines = {} >>> splines['gpm'] = [time, gpm] >>> splines['rpm'] = [time, rpm] >>> splines['wob'] = [time, wob] >>> splines['rop'] = [time, rop] >>> adm_file = 'demo.adm' >>> add_splines_to_adm(adm_file, splines) Parameters ---------- adm_file : str Filename of Adams Drill dataset (.adm) file splines : dict Dictionary containing the spline data for the four drilling parameters. See Example for dictionary makeup. """ # Create a block of code to add to the adm file code_block = {} for param in ADRILL_IDS: code_block[param] = "!\n" code_block[param] += "! adams_view_name='{}_Spline'\n".format(param.upper()) code_block[param] += "SPLINE/{:d}\n".format(ADRILL_IDS[param]['spline']) code_block[param] += ", LINEAR_EXTRAPOLATE\n" code_block[param] += ", X={}\n".format(str(splines['time']).replace('[','').replace(']','')) val_string = '' for val in splines[param]: val_string += '{:1.2f},'.format(val) val_string = val_string[:-1] code_block[param] += ", Y={}\n".format(val_string) # Add the block of code to a temporary adm file with open(adm_file, 'r') as fid, open(adm_file.replace('.adm','.tmp'),'w') as fid_new: insert_splines_here = False for line in fid: if insert_splines_here: fid_new.write('!----------------------------------- SPLINES ------------------------------------\n') for param in code_block: fid_new.write(code_block[param]) fid_new.write("!\n") fid_new.write("!----------------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------------------\n") fid_new.write("!\n") insert_splines_here = False elif '!----------------------------------- OUTPUT ------------------------------------' in line: insert_splines_here = True else: fid_new.write(line) # Replace the adm file with the temporary adm file os.remove(adm_file) os.rename(adm_file.replace('.adm','.tmp'), adm_file)
[docs]def add_splines_to_acf(acf_file): """Adds spline references to the input variable function statements in an Adams Drill Command (.acf) file. Parameters ---------- acf_file : str File name of an Adams Drill Command (.acf) file. """ # go through original acf and create a new acf with open(acf_file,'r') as fid, open(acf_file.replace('.acf','.tmp'),'w') as fid_new: modify = False skip = False variable_id = 0 for line in fid: # For each line in the original acf file if modify: # If this is a line defining a drilling parameter if variable_id == ADRILL_IDS['gpm']['variable']: # If the variable id is the gpm id new_line = ', FUNCTION = STEP(TIME, 0,0,1,1)*VARVAL(11021)*ABS(AKISPL(TIME,0,{:d}, 0))\n'.format(ADRILL_IDS['gpm']['spline']) skip = True elif variable_id == ADRILL_IDS['rop']['variable']: # If the variable id is the rop id new_line = ', FUNCTION = STEP(TIME, 0,0,1,1)*(AKISPL(TIME,0,{:d}, 0))/3600\n'.format(ADRILL_IDS['rop']['spline']) elif variable_id == ADRILL_IDS['rpm']['variable']: # If the variable id is the rpm id new_line = ', FUNCTION = STEP(TIME, 0,0,1,1)*(AKISPL(TIME,0,{:d}, 0))*(PI/30)\n'.format(ADRILL_IDS['rpm']['spline']) elif variable_id == ADRILL_IDS['wob']['variable']: # If the variable id is the wob id new_line = ', FUNCTION = STEP(TIME, 0,0,1,1)*(AKISPL(TIME,0,{:d}, 0))*1000\n'.format(ADRILL_IDS['wob']['spline']) fid_new.write(new_line) modify = False elif skip: # If this is a line that should be skipped skip = False if line.startswith('!'): fid_new.write(line) else: # If this is a normal line fid_new.write(line) if 'VARIABLE' in line: variable_id = int(line.split('/')[1].replace('&','').replace(' ','')) modify = True # Replace original acf file os.remove(acf_file) os.rename(acf_file.replace('.acf','.tmp'), acf_file)
[docs]def modify_acf_solver_settings(acf_file, statics=None, error=None): """Modifies the contents of the Adams Command (.acf) file given in `acf_file` to apply the static funnel given in `statics` and the dynamic steps given in `dynamics`. Parameters ---------- acf_file : str Path to Adams Command (.acf) file to be updated statics : list List of six lists where each list contains the values of a particular equilibrium setting at each step in the funnel. (Defaults to the value already in the acf file.) error : float Error tolerance to use for the dynamics solver. (Defaults to the value already in the acf file.) Example ------- The following example modifies example.acf to have a three-step static funnel and a dynamic solver error tolerance of 0.0001. >>> maxit = [500, 500, 500] >>> stab = [8.0, 1.0, .01] >>> error = [1.0, 0.1, .01] >>> imbal = [4.0, 2.0, .01] >>> tlim = [4.0, 2.0, 1.0] >>> alim = [4.0, 2.0, 1.0] # Assumes DEGREES >>> statics = [maxit, stab, error, imbal, tlim, alim] >>> modify_acf_solver_settings('example.acf', statics=statics, error=.0001) """ # Read the current acf text with open(acf_file, 'r') as fid: acf_text = # Replace the static funnel if statics is not None: if len(statics) != 6 or not all([len(statics[0])==len(param) for param in statics]): raise Exception('The statics list does not have the correct shape.') # Create the new funnel text funnel = ''.join([f'equil/maxit={maxit}, stab={stab}, error={error}, imbal={imbal}, tlim={tlim}, alim={alim}D\nsim/stat\n' for maxit, stab, error, imbal, tlim, alim in zip(*statics)]) # Replace the funnel acf_text = ACF_FUNNEL_PATTERN.sub('!\n!\n' + funnel, acf_text) # Replace the dynamic error tolerance if error is not None: # current_integrator_block = re.match error_text = f', ERROR = {error}' acf_text = ACF_INTEGRATOR_ERROR_PATTERN.sub(r'\1\2' + error_text + r'\4', acf_text) # Write a temporary acf file with open(acf_file + '._tmp_', 'w') as fid: fid.write(acf_text) # Replace the existing acf file with the temporary os.remove(acf_file) os.rename(acf_file + '._tmp_', acf_file)
[docs]def get_motor_curve(stall_torque, max_torque, max_rpm, min_rpm, save_filename=None): """Returns data to generate a theoretical motor curve. Parameters ---------- stall_torque : float Torque at which the motor stalls (klbf-ft) max_torque : float Maximum operating torque (klbf-ft) max_rpm : float Maximum operating motor speed min_rpm : float Minimum operating motor speed save_filename : bool, optional If True, motor curve will be saved to file `filename`, by default None Returns ------- list Rpm points in normal operating range list Rpm points in extended stall range range list Torque points in normal operating range list Torque points in extended stall range range Example ------- This example plots the motor curve with a dashed line for the extended stall range. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> stall_torque = 20 >>> max_torque = 15 >>> max_rpm = 100 >>> min_rpm = 80 >>> nor_rpm, esr_rpm, nor_torque, esr_torque = get_motor_curve(stall_torque, max_torque, max_rpm, min_rpm) >>> plt.plot([rpm + min_rpm for rpm in nor_rpm], nor_torque) >>> plt.plot(esr_rpm, esr_torque, linestyle='--') >>> """ free_rpm = max_rpm - min_rpm a_nor = -max_torque/(free_rpm**2) b_nor = 0 c_nor = max_torque a_esr = (stall_torque - max_torque)/(min_rpm**2) b_esr = 2*(max_torque - stall_torque)/min_rpm c_esr = stall_torque w_nor = np.arange(0,free_rpm+1,1) w_esr = np.arange(0,min_rpm,1) q_nor = a_nor*w_nor**2 + b_nor*w_nor + c_nor q_esr = a_esr*w_esr**2 + b_esr*w_esr + c_esr if save_filename is not None: with open(save_filename,'w') as fid: fid.write('RPM, Torque (klbf-ft)\n') for rpm, torque in zip(w_esr, q_esr): # For each rpm and torque datapoin in the extended stall range, write the data point fid.write('{},{}\n'.format(rpm, torque)) for rpm, torque in zip(w_nor, q_nor): # For each rpm and torque datapoin in the normal operating range, write the data point and shift the rpm value by the rpm at max torque fid.write('{},{}\n'.format(rpm+min_rpm, torque)) return list(w_nor), list(w_esr), list(q_nor), list(q_esr)
[docs]def get_motor_coefficients(min_rpms, max_rpms, flows): """Returns the motor coefficients used in the Adams Drill motor model. Parameters ---------- min_rpms : list List of the minimum operating motor speeds for each flow rate. max_rpms : list List of the maximum operating motor speeds for each flow rate. flows : list List of corresponding flow rates Returns ------- float NOR Max (No Load) RPM A float NOR Max (No Load) RPM B float NOR Min (Max dP) RPM A float NOR Min (Max dP) RPM A """ [nor_min_rpm_a, nor_min_rpm_b] = np.polyfit(flows, min_rpms, 1) [nor_max_rpm_a, nor_max_rpm_b] = np.polyfit(flows, max_rpms, 1) return nor_max_rpm_a, nor_max_rpm_b, nor_min_rpm_a, nor_min_rpm_b
[docs]class MotorModel(): def __init__(self, min_rpms, max_rpms, flows, stall_torque, max_torque): """Initializes an Adams Motor Model Parameters ---------- min_rpms : list List of the minimum operating motor speeds for each flow rate. max_rpms : list List of the maximum operating motor speeds for each flow rate. flows : list List of corresponding flow rates stall_torque : float Torque at which the motor stalls (klbf-ft) max_torque : float Maximum operating torque (klbf-ft) """ nor_max_rpm_a, nor_max_rpm_b, nor_min_rpm_a, nor_min_rpm_b = get_motor_coefficients(min_rpms, max_rpms, flows) self.nor_max_rpm_a = nor_max_rpm_a self.nor_max_rpm_b = nor_max_rpm_b self.nor_min_rpm_a = nor_min_rpm_a self.nor_min_rpm_b = nor_min_rpm_b self.max_torque = max_torque self.stall_torque = stall_torque
[docs] def degrade_motor(self, degradation): """Degrades the motor by `degradation` (in place) Parameters ---------- degradation : float Motor degradation factor """ self.nor_max_rpm_a *= degradation self.nor_max_rpm_b *= degradation self.nor_min_rpm_a *= degradation self.nor_min_rpm_b *= degradation self.max_torque *= degradation self.stall_torque *= degradation
[docs] def get_torque(self, rpm, flow, degradation=1): """Gets the motor output torque given a motor rpm and flow rate. Parameters ---------- rpm : float Motor rpm flow : float Motor flow rate degradation : float Motor degradation factor (default is 1 which means there is no degradation) Returns ------- float Motor output torque Raises ------ MotorModelError Raised if the rpm given is greater than the motors maximum output rpm. """ nor_min_rpm_a = self.nor_min_rpm_a*degradation nor_min_rpm_b = self.nor_min_rpm_b*degradation nor_max_rpm_a = self.nor_max_rpm_a*degradation nor_max_rpm_b = self.nor_max_rpm_b*degradation max_torque = self.max_torque*degradation stall_torque = self.stall_torque*degradation min_rpm = np.polyval([nor_min_rpm_a, nor_min_rpm_b], flow)*degradation max_rpm = np.polyval([nor_max_rpm_a, nor_max_rpm_b], flow)*degradation free_rpm = max_rpm - min_rpm if rpm < min_rpm: a_coef = -max_torque/(free_rpm**2) b_coef = 0 c_coef = max_torque elif rpm > max_rpm: raise MotorModelError(f'The rpm provided is greater than the max rpm of {max_rpm}') else: a_coef = (stall_torque - max_torque)/(min_rpm**2) b_coef = 2*(max_torque - stall_torque)/min_rpm c_coef = stall_torque return a_coef*rpm**2 + b_coef*rpm + c_coef
[docs] def get_motor_curve(self, flow): """Returns data t`o generate a theoretical motor curve. Parameters ---------- flow : float Flow rate at which to generate the motor curve Returns ------- list Rpm points in normal operating range list Rpm points in extended stall range range list Torque points in normal operating range list Torque points in extended stall range range Example ------- This example plots the motor curve with a dashed line for the extended stall range. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> stall_torque = 20 >>> max_torque = 15 >>> max_rpms = [80, 100, 120] >>> min_rpm = [50, 70, 90] >>> flows = [400, 500, 600] >>> motor_model = MotorModel(min_rpms, max_rpms, flows, stall_torque, max_torque) >>> nor_rpm, esr_rpm, nor_torque, esr_torque = motor_model.get_motor_curve(550) >>> plt.plot([rpm + min_rpm for rpm in nor_rpm], nor_torque) >>> plt.plot(esr_rpm, esr_torque, linestyle='--') >>> """ min_rpm = np.polyval([self.nor_min_rpm_a, self.nor_min_rpm_b], flow) max_rpm = np.polyval([self.nor_max_rpm_a, self.nor_max_rpm_b], flow) nor_rpm, esr_rpm, nor_torque, esr_torque = get_motor_curve(self.stall_torque, self.max_torque, max_rpm, min_rpm) return min_rpm, max_rpm, nor_rpm, esr_rpm, nor_torque, esr_torque
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_coeffs(cls, nor_max_rpm_a, nor_max_rpm_b, nor_min_rpm_a, nor_min_rpm_b, max_torque, stall_torque): """Used to build a motor model if you already know the motor coefficients. Parameters ---------- nor_max_rpm_a : float nor_max_rpm_a nor_max_rpm_b : float nor_max_rpm_b nor_min_rpm_a : float nor_min_rpm_a nor_min_rpm_b : float nor_min_rpm_b max_torque : float max_torque stall_torque : float stall_torque Returns ------- MotorModel A :obj:`MotorModel` object """ motor_model = cls([0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 2], stall_torque, max_torque) motor_model.nor_max_rpm_a = nor_max_rpm_a motor_model.nor_max_rpm_b = nor_max_rpm_b motor_model.nor_min_rpm_a = nor_min_rpm_a motor_model.nor_min_rpm_b = nor_min_rpm_b return motor_model
[docs]class MotorModelError(Exception): pass
[docs]class TiemOrbitSyntaxError(Exception): pass
[docs]class cdbError(Exception): pass